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Fergus County-Lewistown, MT

The site was constructed in early 1913 and throughout its history operated as retail stores with the second level used for office rentals, and the third level was designed for lodging and community dances until it became unfeasible to keep the upper stories in operation. In order to make the street level more economical, pink spray insulation was spread throughout the upper levels, and duct work was laid throughout. The main level continued to remain open for business until it became vacant in 2016.  


This project utilized a subgrant and low-interest loan from SMD's Brownfields RLF Program to cleanup asbestos, lead-based paint, mercury-containing thermostats, and mold throughout the building.


One Health purchased the property to expand their services provided by the Central Montana Community Health Clinic. The main level and basement were redeveloped into a health clinic.  They partnered with Homeword, Inc. to renovate the upper levels into modernized residential low-income housing, named Crowley Flats.  




Golden Valley County-Lavina, MT

The Lavina K-12 School was awarded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grant funds to replace their HVAC system and install a new propane boiler.  The Brownfields program revolving loan fund is assisting with the renovation and removal of the decommissioned coal-fired boiler by removing asbestos-containing materials to renovate the room for storage..

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Park County-Livingston, MT

The Teslow grain elevator which is located in the heart of the commercial area of Livingston, served as a shipment point for agricultural production in the area for over 100 years! It was in a severe windstorm of 2016 that sparked it’s future for redevelopment. The damage from the storm brought on plans for demolition. Citizens of the community acted quickly to preserve the building that was crucial to their history rallying to save Teslow. After successfully halting the planned demolition, the Montana Preservation Alliance hired the demolition team to become the construction crew that would make repairs. The group purchased the grand old building 210 years after it was built, then organized as the Teslow Preservation Group, a 501(c)(3). Their mission being to keep this historic grain elevator standing and preserve its increasingly rare architecture to reintegrate the building into the community.


A condition assessment and feasibility study was conducted to evaluate the needs of the structure and its suitability for reuse, to identify potential reuse concepts, and to provide interested parties the information needed to encourage new investment and preservation of this iconic structure so important in the history of the community. The Teslow Grain Elevator presents space with opportunities for reuse in a variety of ways, both old and new. Discussions with current owners, research into comparable properties and projects, and consultation with the preceding studies suggest a Range of Alternatives, including

  • Business Concept, Craft Manufacturing: Beer, Distillery, Cider

  • Business Concept, Agricultural: Vertical Gardening, Storage

  • Business Concept, Retail/Studios: Art Production, Film or Music Recording Studios, Live-Work Space

  • Business Concept, Recreation & Sports Center

The reuse concepts above all hold possibilities for a building like the Teslow Elevator. A mixed use concept combining some of these uses would diversify the business model and potentially, the range of financial incentives available for redevelopment. In a town with limited centralized real estate, which relies heavily on tourism to drive its economy, the elevator is an economic asset in a prime location.


This project began as a Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) where SMDC conducted a Phase I and Phase II. The results confirmed the presences of contaminants of concern (COC’s) that would need to be properly addressed prior to the building being reused. Applying for cleanup for the program in 2019, with all clean up being completed in 2021. This elevator sold promptly after cleanup and is in the process of redevelopment. We are excited to help preserve an important part of history and see what’s next for this historic grain elevator!


Gallatin County-Bozeman, MT

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The Nelson Dairy Farm was previously designated as the N.L. Towne Experimental Dairy Center, as part of the Montana State University Campus. It was built in 1959 at a cost of $1.8 million. Designed in 1957-58, it was originally named after Professor Norman L. Towne who taught at the college and was a past president of the Montana Dairyman’s Association. The new dairying center had “17 buildings, 2 bunker silos, and yards” concentrated on 3 acres west of the main campus. 


The N.L. Towne Experimental Dairy Center represented the last phase in the history of dairy program instruction of Montana’s agricultural college, formerly the Montana State College and now known as Montana State University. The vacant buildings, which contained asbestos, became a location for vagrants to seek refuge and for illicit activities to take place.  The MSU Alumni Foundation reached out to SMDC to request Brownfields funding to help clean up the blighted property. 


The remediation of the Nelson Dairy Farm on the MSU Innovation Campus was perfectly timed and has helped fuel the rapid development of the innovation campus. In May of 2021, The Executive Board voted to approve an 80,000 sf professional multi-tenant project a short distance from the remediation site - called Industry Bozeman. This project will be home to approximately 30 to 40 companies, startups, and solo entrepreneurs seeking to leverage the research from MSU into new businesses that will result in high paying jobs.


In January of 2022, the board approved an additional Development abutting the area where the dairy farm stood with an approx. 70,000 sf development that will be home to Aurora Technology. The company hopes to employ approximately 100 people with future plans to create even more jobs. Both projects will be completed in 2023. The success of both projects was driven by remediation of the dairy farm and support from Snowy Mountain Development Corporation. The city of Bozeman is now working with our development partner to build out the road network for the campus which will connect both projects to each other & provide access to W. Garfield Street and W. College Street. 


Courtesy of Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Courtesy of Bozeman Daily Chronicle

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Fergus County-Lewistown, MT

From approximately 1913 to 1974 the site operated as an auto repair garage, gas station, and car dealership. Historical records indicate that underground storage tanks were located on site to accommodate dispensing activities. In 1974, under new ownership, the site turned into a multi-use commercial building with Mid-State Signs occupying the former auto show room.

The site became Brownfields eligible in 2019 and Phase I and Phase II investigations of the property were completed. While the results of the soil and groundwater sampling indicated that historical leaks or spills had occurred, contaminant concentrations were found to meet human health standards and risk-based screening levels. Now that the site has received a clean bill of health through environmental sampling, any redeveloper can repurpose the building to any use or sell the property without the stigma or perceived presence of contamination.

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Park County-Livingston, MT

Four separate structures are located on this one-block property. All four of the structures were utilized solely for medical purposes (or as facility support structures) until the hospital was vacated in 2015 when a new hospital was completed. A private developer purchased the entire property in 2015. The developer removed the majority of the equipment and a portion of the building materials out of the main hospital building, but did not complete redevelopment of the structure.


An Asbestos Renovation Survey was completed by Northern Industrial Hygiene, Inc. on March 7, 2016. A Phase I ESA was conducted by GEM Environmental, Inc. in May 2017. Montana HomeOwnership Network, Inc., dba NeighborWorks Montana, purchased the property on May 31, 2017. In April 2018, Weston Solutions, Inc. conducted a Phase I ESA followed by a Phase II ESA in May 2018. Asbestos-containing material (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP), lead-lined materials, and a partial gallon of transformer oil assumed to contain PCBs were detected in the main hospital building. Mercury thermostat switches were observed in the main hospital building and in the home oxygen building (built 1960).


SMDC provided Brownfields funding to assist Montana Homeownership Network, Inc., dba NeighborWorks Montana, with cleanup of the property.  The property was transferred to a Limited Liability Limited Partnership for redevelopment as a 34-unit, deed restricted multi-family affordable housing complex called Blue Bunch Flats.


 Musselshell County

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The Sites are located in industrial or residential areas of Roundup, Montana. The areas are referred to as the Mine Avenue, Meathouse Sites and Railroad Avenue (Weston 2019). Sites consisting of residences, small businesses, a sawmill, a slaughterhouse and apartment units. Construction dates of the buildings are unknown, but the majority of the buildings are assumed to have been constructed prior to 1980. Most of the sites are vacant. The Sites are located within the Musselshell River floodplain and have flooded many times since 1968. Given the rising costs to the County, State and Federal governments, Musselshell County considered the cost-benefit of purchasing and remediating the Sites. Through Musselshell County FEMA Buy-Out Community Relations Plan 4 FEMA’s Buyout Program, Musselshell County purchased the Sites with the intention of demolishing the structures, removing an upstream dike, and returning the River to its natural flow regime (Weston 2019). Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) were performed to acquire and evaluate sufficient information to determine the location and concentration of potential environmental contamination at the sites including asbestos-containing material (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)- containing equipment, mercury containing equipment, and mold.



Fergus County-Lewistown, MT

This former abandoned laundry was located at the northern gateway into the City of Lewistown at the corner of Hwy 191 and the Truck Bypass. The City, in an effort to reduce the blight at this gateway, used Brownfields funding to assess and determine the cleanup costs prior to purchasing the property. No dry cleaning activities were discovered and the only contaminants were the asbestos siding on the building's exterior. The building has been removed and now serves as a larger park and improved gateway to Lewistown.

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Musselshell County-Roundup, MT

the Former Farmer’s Union property also known as the Golden Thimble and Musselshell County Food Bank located at 101 2nd Street East, Roundup, Montana.  The Montana Cadastral website lists a construction date of 1935 for this building at the corner of 1st Ave East and 2nd Street East, and Sanborn Maps for the town support this – in 1920 there were two small dwellings identified on this property, and by 1944 the maps clearly depict this building, labeled as an oil and gas station. This station was a neighborhood fueling station, one of the smallest in town. It was owned and operated by Farmer’s Union through the mid-20th century. Farmers Union operated the retail fueling business at the site from the 1960’s until 1991.  Contamination was first discovered in 1990 and at that time, contaminated soil was removed.  Additional contamination was discovered in 1991.  Farmers Union ceased operations at the site in 1991.  The underground tanks were removed from the site in 1994.  


Following its period of operation as a service station, the building was converted into two commercial spaces.  For the past decade the building has housed the Musselshell County Food Bank and The Golden Thimble clothing and thrift store, providing essential food and clothing to the community, serving over 300 families monthly.



Fergus County-Lewistown, MT

Former lumber yard was assessed using a DEQ Brownfields Targeted Assessment Grant. Wood Pentachlorophenol, a wood treating chemical, was found in soils exceeding DEQ standards. The City of Lewistown purchased the property and used a cleanup grant and loan from Snowy Mountain to address the contamination as well as wood waste present on the site. All remedial actions have been complete at this site.  The City is actively soliciting bids from developers to transform this former industrial complex into much needed workforce housing.



Fergus County-Lewistown, MT

The first structure on-Site was constructed in 1955. The Site historically operated as a gas station with three 4,000-gallon underground storage tanks (USTs) that contained gasoline. Soil contamination was noted during piping upgrades, and MT DEQ was notified of a petroleum release on August 19, 1999. The Site most recently operated as a restaurant, but is currently unoccupied. Historical fueling activities conducted at the Site resulted in a release of petroleum hydrocarbons to the soil and groundwater. Several investigations into the soil and groundwater contamination date back to at least 2006. WESTON® performed a Remedial Investigation (RI) at the Site in June and September 2018 to investigate petroleum contamination related with Release #3790 (WESTON®, 2019). During this RI, groundwater, indoor air, ambient air, and sub-slab soil vapor samples were collected. Concentrations of benzene in the groundwater exceeded the MT DEQ RBSL. Sub-slab soil vapor samples indicated petroleum contamination exists in the soil vapor below the on-Site structure and the Residence. Indoor air samples indicated subslab soil vapors beneath the on-Site structure and the Residence are migrating into the structures. The detections of petroleum constituents in the indoor air samples collected at the on-Site structure and Residence indicated migration of vapors from the sub-slab space. The ambient air sample did not indicate that petroleum hydrocarbon impacts were present in the outdoor air at levels that are an immediate threat to human health or the environment.



Wheatleand County-Harlowton, MT

The Site is comprised of one property covering an area of approximately 0.25 acres. The former owner of the Site used the facility as an auto repair business, and the former owner parked several vehicles on the property while they awaited repair. The Wheatland County Chamber of Commerce was interested in the property and approached the owner about acquisition. The proposed redevelopment of the property would allow for the establishment of a Visitor’s Center and business offices to be used by local entities. Subsequently, the property was purchased by the Chamber of Commerce in 2014, with the intent of using the property as the site of a new Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center. The property is now vacant, with the exception of remnants from the old building foundation concrete slab, and under-utilized. Prior to this redevelopment being accomplished, however, the site must undergo cleanup activities.



Musselshell County-Roundup, MT

The Stockman Bar is located in a 1-story commercial building. It is a wood frame building with a storefront facing onto Main Street and a long volume running perpendicular back from the street. The building occupies the full width of its lot, runs right up to the sidewalk at the front; at the rear there is space for loading and rear access is from a back alleyway.
The building was called the Shaw Building for the original owner and was home to The Fad, a men’s shoe and clothing store. Following its use the building was converted to a confectionery. In 1944 the building is labeled S. for saloon, and somewhere in this era, the building was remodeled to the design which remains today. Presumably this was the Stockman as by 1947.

The City of Roundup would like to clean up the historic building. The City does not want or need additional greenspace or a parking lot in the heart of their downtown area. They desire to make it a viable community property once again contributing to their tax base. They have multiple perspective buyers interested once the abatement is complete. Bringing life back to one of the central locations on Main of Roundup.



Broadwater County-Townsend, MT

The former Grover’s Exxon used to occupy Lot A as a gas and service station. From the mid-1970s to the early 1990s, Grover’s Exxon sold and dispensed gasoline and diesel products to consumers. During this time period there was a total of nine Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) used at different times. Two tanks were removed in May 1980; one 6,000 gallon UST used to store diesel and a 4,000 gallon UST (use unknown). The diesel tank was suspected of leaking. When the tank was removed the leak was confirmed. The other UST was in good condition, and was not leaking. Two replacement tanks were installed of the same capacity (6,000 & 4,000 gallons) as the ones removed.

The short-term redevelopment plan is to abate the former Townsend Star building, demolish the building after abatement, and excavate impacted soils. 

Read more about the redevelopment and history in the CRP.



 Wheatland County-Harlowton, MT

The community of Harlowton, Montana lies in the Upper Musselshell Valley, a region formerly occupied by native Blackfeet, Gros Ventre, Assiniboine and Crow people at various times through history. The Lewis and Clark Expedition and others traced their way up the Yellowstone and the Musselshell Rivers in the early nineteenth century, and by the mid-late 1800s, campaigns against native people, along with the Mullan and Stanley railroad surveys began the process to open the country to increased transportation and the waves of Euro American settlement that followed.   Biegel’s Bar Central Avenue South, leading from Main Street to Harlowton’s Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad depot became the main thoroughfare through the town’s commercial district. 


The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Harlowton reveal the building at 19 Central Ave South has a construction date between 1909 and 1921, when the building first appears – as an auto sales and supplies store. In 1929 it was labeled “Notions,” and in 1943, it is labeled S. for store, though it was a saloon by then: Biegel’s Bar. Emil Biegel and his wife Hulda Amelia moved west from Wisconsin with their children to a homestead south of Harlowton, Montana in 1917. They set up a family-run ranching and farming operation, with sons Oscar Herman (and his wife Marie Beauchot Biegel), and Arthur W. (and his wife Frances), and daughter Wilhemina. The Biegels made a living there for several years before losing everything to the drought and economic depression of the 1920s. Forced to leave their ranch and move to town in 1929, Emil’s sons Oscar and Art opened a tavern in 1933 on Central Avenue and named it Biegel Brothers; later it became known as Biegel’s Bar. 

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